Since ancient times, China Teak Leaves has been famous usefulness for slimming, reduce cholesterol, shrink the stomach, and laxative fat in the body for people with obesity.
Our ancestors and the princess palace princess accustomed to consume to maintain their body slenderness. China Teak is also very efficacious as starter metabolism, thus helping the process of secretion / sewage.
The body feels fresh, smooth bowel movements, sweat easily, and a little greasy dirt, decay due to fat in the body.
Various benefits Teak Leaf China:
- Maintain health
- Streamline body quickly
- Preventing obesity
- Reduces cellulite (water networks that are trapped in fat)
- Reduce cholesterol
- As a laxative fat
- Smooth circulatory
- Make the face and body look fresher
3 x 2 capsules day
- God willing, safe for patients Maag
- Effect is not the same for everyone (depending on body acceptance of herbal)
- Maximum weight loss of 5 kg in 2 weeks (results not be the same for everyone)
- Do not consume more than the rules which have been determined using
- At the time of Lent is only consumed when before dawn and after breaking the fast
Please contact 081 288 851 177.
Rp 50,000 per bottle contents of 80 capsules.
- Melangsingkan Badan 2-4 Kg Per Minggu
- Answering Questions about the Efficacy of Teak Leaf China
- Tanya Jawab Seputar Khasiat Daun Jati Cina
- Teak Leaf China Natural Slimming
- Hampir Setengah Milyar Orang Kegemukan
- 'More than half a billion' obese
- Pelangsing Alami Jati China
- Minyak Zaitun 5 Liter Harga Rp 450 Ribu
- Empat Mitos Mengenai Kanker
- Tanaman Keladitikus Rp 35 Ribu
- PAKET HEMAT Keladitikus dan Jati Cina
- Temu Putih Beragam Khasiatnya
- Tanya Jawab Khasiat Daun Jati Cina
- Pelangsing Alami Daun Jati Cina
- Hampir Setengah Milyar Orang Kegemukan
- Temu Putih
- Peluang Usaha!
- Kenali Tanaman Luar Biasa
- Hasil Penelitian Laboratorium tentang Khasiat Pegagan
- Sifat Kimiawi dan Efek Farmakologis Pegagan
- Penggunaan Pegagan
- Pegagan Si Tanaman Liar
- Manfaat Tanaman Pegagan
- Manfaat Keladitikus
- Olah Keladitikus Segar
- Olah Tepat Agar Berkhasiat
- Keladitikus Jinakkan Kanker Usus
- Fitol
- Rimpang Pengerat Penyakit Maut
- Obat Dari Tanah Lembab
- Salah Sangka
- Kasus Patoppoi
- Sel Kanker Bunuh Diri
- Riset Buktikan Keladitikus Mujarab
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